- Scott Hanselman's blog
Scott Hanselman is programmer, developer, speaker, and Microsoft employee who runs multiple podcasts, blogs, etc. He covers both technology and tech culture.
- .NET Rocks!
.NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. They've been around 20 years, so lots of history there. The hosts, Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell, are frequent conference speakers and each contributes or hosts other podcasts.
- Coding Blocks
Coding Blocks digs about as deep as a podcast can into software development topics while still being entertaining and often silly. Hosted by Joe Zack, Allen Underwood, and Michael Outlaw.
- The Unhandled Exception Podcast
Another deeply technical, but still entertaining, podcast about software development. Hosted by Dan Clarke.
- The Azure DevOps Podcast
Yet another deeply technical, but still entertaining, podcast about software development. Hosted by Jeffrey Palermo.
- Fictitious Intelligence by Jim Leonardo
- Smelly Old Gamer by Jim Leonardo
My site for Role Playing Game and World Building focused writing.
- Escape Artists
A non-profit producing multiple fiction podcasts - sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and cat.
- The Software Architect Elevator
Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise
Gregor Hohpe
Are you a software architect or do you want to be one? This book is fast becoming a classic for bit of job advice for anyone who is leading or wants to be a leader in software development, regardless of job title.
- The Mythical Man-Month
Essays on Software Engineering
Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
It may be old, but still very much relevant. The essays on Second System Effect and No Silver Bullet alone are worth finding a copy of this book.
- Team Topologies
Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow
Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais
Organizing teams is challenging, especially when you have to mix generalists and specialists. This guide gives helps you understand your organization, your needs, and how to create high performing teams.
- The Lean Product Playbook
How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback
Dan Olsen
Wondering how to go about creating a product that people actually want? Dan Olsen has a step-by-step guide to help you figure out what to build, how to build it, and how to know when you're done.
- Working in Public
The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software
Nadia Eghbal
Great insights into what it means to work on open source software. The historical perspectives and the challenges of working 'in public' are covered in this sociological analysis of open source software.
- Building Microservices, 2nd Edition
Designing Fine-Grained Systems
Sam Newman
Don't let the title fool you, this book is a great primer for anyone designing software systems, especially web apps. Oh, and it covers microservices too.
- Enterprise Integration Patterns
Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf
The website is Gregor Hohpe's, but the book is by him and Bobby Woolf with contributions from others. This book and website catalog common patterns used in enterprise software design with a focus on messaging patterns.
- The Data Warehouse Toolkit
The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling
Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross
New to data warehousing or otherwise thinking about how to analyze data? This is one of the seminal books on the topic.
- Hands-On Rust
Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play
Herbert Wolverson
Do you want to learn about the Rust programming language but don't want a dull tutorial? Learn by building a game with this book.
- Secure by Design
Dan Bergh Johnsson, Daniel Deogun, Daniel Sawano
How many Dans can write one book? At least three. While the title calls out security, I thought this book to be a good read for how to build reliable software that anticipates problems rather than reacts to them.
- The Art of Unit Testing
Roy Osherove, others depending on language
Learn unit testing in depth. Osherove has worked with others to produce versions of this book for different languages including C#, JavaScript, Java, and Kotlin.